Python is a very popular general purpose, high level programming language which can be used for web development, software development, mathematics, system scripting etc. At Opine, we use complete hands-on-approach, provides lots of classroom and home assignments, teach basic mathematical and statistical concepts required which makes our students fully equipped for diving in the job market.
Accomplish multi-step tasks like sorting or looping using tuples
Create programs that are able to read and write data from files
Store data as key/value pairs using Python dictionaires
Use variables to store, retrieve and calculate information
Hours: 50
Sr. No. | Topic | Description |
1 | Setting Up Python in Windows | Introduction to Different Environments and Notebooks |
2 | Numerators, Operators and Comments and Boolean | The difference between = and IS |
3 | Data Types | String Concatenation, Changing Data Types |
4 | Conditional Logic | If-Else, Working with cases, the first python game |
5 | Loops - While and For | Allowing the user to play the game as many times as they want |
6 | Lists | Indexing, methods and storage |
7 | Dictionaries | Indexing, methods and storage |
8 | Tuples | Indexing, methods and storage |
9 | Functions | Developing your own functions and working with in-built functions |
10 | Debugging and Error Handling | Difference between error in logic and syntactical errors |
11 | Object Oriented Programming | Objects and working with them |
12 | Iterators and Generators | Working with Loops, Creating our own version of loops |
13 | Reg-Ex | Wildcards |
14 | SQL embedding in Python | Basic SQL and connections |
Hours: 35
Sr. No. | Topic | Description |
1 | Setting Up Jupyter notebook | |
2 | Numpy | Arrays, Indexing in Arrays |
3 | Pandas | Data Transformations, Working With Data |
4 | Working With Data – 1 | JSON, HTML and Excel Data |
5 | Working With Data – 2 | Data Frames, Index, Outliers, Merging, Aggregations, Grouping Data Frames |
6 | SciKit | Introduction to ML |
7 | Statistics – Concepts | Descriptive Statistics (Variances, Standard Deviations, Co-variances, Bi-Variate Regression (Linear), Multi-Variate Regression (Linear) |
8 | Linear Regression | Python Application |
9 | Multiclass Classificaion – 1 | Logistic Regression |
10 | Multiclass Classificaion – 2 | k - Nearest Neighbour |
11 | Vector Machines | Supervised Learning Models |
12 | Naïve Bayes | Probabilistic Classifiers and Maximum Likelihood |
13 | Decision Trees and Ranom Forest | Classifications and Randomised Forests |
14 | Introduction To Keras, TensorFlow | Randomised Machine Learning Algorithms |
Hours: 30
Sr. No. | Topic | Description |
1 | Setting Up Jupyter notebook | |
2 | Numpy | Arrays, Indexing in Arrays |
3 | Pandas | Data Transformations, Working With Data |
4 | Working With Data – 1 | JSON, HTML and Excel Data |
Working With Data – 2 | Data Frames, Index, Outliers, Merging, Aggregations, Grouping Data Frames | |
5 | Seaborn | Understanding the Wrapper |
6 | Histogram | Visualisation Objects |
7 | Kernel Density Estimate Plots | Visualisation Objects |
8 | Density plots | Visualisation Objects |
9 | Charts | Visualisation Objects |
10 | Regression Plots | Visualisation Objects |
11 | Heat-maps | Visualisation Objects |
12 | Clustered Matrices | Visualisation Objects |
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